
Education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. But with more than 1.2 million children dropping out each year, America faces an education crisis. The cost? More than $312 billion in lost wages, taxes and productivity over their lifetimes.1 These trends are reversible, but only when communities and public, private and nonprofit sectors work together.

Community Impact Grants  ( 2023-2026 )

Community Impact Grants  ( 2022-2025 )

Community Impact Grants  ( 2021-2024 )

Community Impact Grants  ( 2018-2022 )

Grant Opportunities

United Way of Colquitt County is offering a Community Impact grant in the area of education. Applications for funding must align with one of our education strategies.

1) Supporting parents and caregivers of young children to ensure nurturing environments that promote early literacy and school readiness.    

2) Equipping trusted advisors (doctors, parents, educators) to screen, identify, and  intervene  on early development issues that could prevent student success.

3) Offering special support for immigrant families, especially the children, to learn English.

4) Enhancing out-of-school environments for youth particularly for students at risk of dropping-out.

5) Establishing community hubs (in libraries, schools, churches, parks) where students and families can take part in learning activities.

6) Expanding school-to-work programs for Junior High and High Schools students that educate students about life skills, workforce readiness, financial literacy, and college or career guidance.


Applications are not available at this time.  

To receive an application, please email your request to Caroline Horne at   

1Figure according to Communities in Schools, one of America’s leading drop-out prevention partnerships.